Topography Analysis
How It Works
Our topography analysis tool looks at the contours and slope of your property to determine what percentage of the property is buildable, and creates a histogram to categorize the entire property's slope profile into 5 discrete ranges.
What is Considered Buildable?
Any slope that is 10% or less is considered buildable. We use this number based on a general consensus around cost and difficulty building when the gradient is over 10%.
How is a Property Filtered?
Any property with a buildable percentage less than the specified target will be filtered out. The default minimum buildable percentage is 50%, but we allow you to input any value you'd like as the minimum. If a property's slope is unable to be determined, it will still be included in your list.
What are the Histogram Categories?
Slope will fall into one of the five categories below, and we will include each of these categories as a column header with the percentage of the property that falls into that category for every property.
Flat (0 - 0.25%)
Easiest to build on
Gentle Slope (0.25 - 5%)
Still considered easy to build on. No significant increase in cost or difficulty building
Slight Slope (5 - 10%)
While still easy to build on, may require additional cost and incur some risk in building
Moderate Slope (10-15%)
Cost, difficulty and risks of building are increased
Steep Slope (15%+)​
​Cost, difficulty and risks of building are substantially increased. Not recommended for building