PRYCD Comp Reports
Comp reports are an incredible tool to view extremely valuable and detailed information about a property. Included in every report are the following items:
General Property Overview
PRYCD Pricing Breakdown (see below for details)
PRYCD Suggested Market Price
Comp Overview Data
Comp csv Download
Comp Overview Charts
For Sale and Sold Comp Lists
Historical Pricing Trends
Property Slope Insights
Property Septic Insights
Property Roads Insights
Offer Price Appendix
Subdivision Price Appendix
Pricing Rationale Appendix
Owner Skip Traced Info Appendix
Property Boundary (WKT)
Additional Property Map (KML) with property boundary, comps, and insights plotted
PRYCD Pricing Breakdown
You may notice that we provide several different prices in our analysis. This is due to us having multiple pricing schemes of which you can use to analyze and price your data. The "PRYCD Suggested Market Price" will always show the Geo Pricing value.
Pricing Difference between Exported Lists and the Comp Report
Occasionally you may notice that the suggested market price is different than the one supplied in your exported file. There can be several reasons for this:
We've updated our comp database. We run an update on all of our comps every 6-8 weeks. Because of this, you may see minor fluctuations in the modeled prices. The date of our most recent update can be found on our Research Page
You've adjusted your pricing parameters. We offer a wide variety of customization tools to give you full control over the data. However, the comp reports are run without any pricing input customization, so if you modified the comp distribution or comp weights during export, or adjusted your baseline county price/acre, the resulting prices may be different.
Our model was recently updated. While this will not happen often, we do occasionally make adjustments in our modeling process as we receive feedback and learn more about what factors determine accurate pricing.
Unavailable Latitude/Longitude
Occasionally there may be a situation where the property does not have a latitude or longitude. When this happens, we default these values to 0,0, which may yield some weird results. On the KML map, it will show the property as being somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, and unfortunately there will be no comp data, geo pricing data, or insight data available for that property.
Additional Resources and Links
How can Comp Reports Help You Post
How to Download Comps from the Report into CSV Video
Comp Report Update Series 1/4 - (Subdivision Pricing)
Comp Report Update Series 2/4 - (Topography Insights)
Comp Report Update Series 3/4 - (Septic Insights)
Comp Report Update Series 4/4 - (Road Insights)
Please contact support if you have any questions or concerns.